Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The space to do the "other"

I thought I would write a note about space. One of the joys of homeschooling has been the space it has provided. The breathing space. The time space. The calm, no urgency space. All of these provide, for us, some time to do those things we just never seemed to get to.

One is to join OT. Jethro has been learning so much from his OT. Once a week, set apart, for discovering what his body can actually do.

Joining the gym. We have both joined up so we can swim. He has FINALLY discovered a happy space exercise.

Space to spend time with his family. Now he is relaxed and has more energy, Jet has time to share life with his brothers.

Space and time to pause and take stock of actual learning.. We can take a breath to assess, seeing where he might need to recap or practice something. He can also be a part of this process.

Space to just really get into something. Last week Jet wrote a three page legend. It took all morning. He could just settle into it with vigor.

Space to take brain breaks and be creative.
We get to bake and do science experiments or just read, well, because.

Space. That beautiful gift that has sharpened and lengthened Jet as we know him.