Thursday, February 23, 2017

Lets get out of here!

Our choice of curriculum, especially for History , has been Footprints on our Land. We are thoroughly enjoying the book Ghamka By Eve Merchant. Yesterday we set of to The Natural History Museum to explore the San Rock art and other connected sections.

On route, we swung by some fellow homeschoolers to drop something off. It worked out that they two wanted to join our outing. 

What a fabulous time we had. I set them a question.

What were the pros and cons of this way of life? ( followed by the comment that they thought this was a good question)

We had a blast sharing ideas and checking out the information cards as well as asking lots of questions. 

I just loved the depth and breadth of engagement from all three children and of course am thrilled that Jet is super engaged and interested. 

I love that we can join up our learning and this meant we could also check out the bone section and briefly chat about the types of joints found on the colossal whales.

I am personally thriving on exploring how to make learning relevant and deep.

Learning is fun and people, both child and adult alike, are designed to learn, think, problem solve and grow in our understanding.

This is my aim. The absence of tests and assessments have meant that that pressure is off and we can focus on developing other skills.

For those who have never been to this museum, here is a link to check out.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Step by Step

The truth is that this homeschooling journey is a step by step walk.
Some days are a more quick jog and others a little like a snails slow travel across bumpy terrain.

The things I am absolutely thriving on are all the things I imagined to be true. Things like joining up learning experiences and solidifying concepts across the different areas , making all of our learning rich and meaningful.

Another is being able to fill up gaps that exist in thinking or understanding or just in lack of life experience.

I am getting to experiment with methods of teaching and learning first hand and enjoying the outworking of these. 

Inquiry learning and growth mindset ideas have shifted my thinking around education and learning and awoken in me a real thirst for knowing more. It is extremely stimulating .

The difficult bits have much to do with my expectations and insecurities. These ride on the wave of fear which I have for all my kids. However, the reality is that now the buck stops with me, with us and that feels heavy .

It is heavy!

So I have to do a lot of self talk and looking at the bigger picture in education rather than the small , local Bergvliet world experience. I have to set aside the old and familiar and test what we are experiencing with itself.... this is forcing me to live, with Jet, in the here and now and this is both very difficult but also beautiful.

(Because I am the person I am , I mention these struggles to a few Homeschooling moms. I discover to my joy that I am not alone! It is part of the journey. Thank you for being honest!! It was helpful.)

The difficult bits have to do with Jet and his ADHD brain. This is a constant and despite coming home, he still has his difficulties in concentrating and boredom. We have to navigate this and at times it is disheartening, for us both.
He is getting to talk through what is happening in his head and how meds  make him feel. All good but sad too.

On Friday Jet did a comprehension.  It was dull and quick.( Note to self: I really need to find some more inspiring comprehensions)
However the last question was excellent, not in itself but in the answer.

Here it is.....

What subjects do you like?

mmmmm. So he sits and thinks. I ask him if all is ok?

He says," I dont really know what I like." Well, I suggest we start with what he DOESN"T like.


"Jeepers! You Do not like Ghamka and Byrd and the other explorer we looked at?"

" Ooh, no , no I do!"

and then this gem......

"Mom, I really like everything. When I was at school I did not like anything. - he lists them all- but now I like doing the learning we are doing."